Saturday, September 29 2012
10:30am - 4:30pm

Woman’s Way Red Lodge presents "Open the Door Wider" ceremony & celebration

Woman’s Way Red Lodge will host a celebration of its six years with a ceremony and “friend raiser” Saturday, September 29th, 10:30-4:30 at the Dolstad Family Farm, 12108 SW 148th. “Open the Door Wider” will include an opening ceremony at 11, silent auction, garden vegetable lunch, a 4-directions medicine wheel, drumming, community art mandala, and spiral dance. All are welcome – women, men, children, and those new to Red Lodge.
Woman’s Way Red Lodge is a 501 c3 nonprofit whose mission is to “Enliven the Sacred Feminine, Honor All Beings, As We Serve Our World.” For more information about the event or the organization go to

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