Saturday, November 9 2013
9:30am - 5:30pm

Personal Myth: a workshop with Michael Meade.

Personal Myth is a day-long intensive workshop with Michael Meade at Vashon United Methodist Church.
Registration and info:

Each birth story includes hints of an inner myth trying to enter the world through us. We are mythic by nature, each carrying the thread of a unique plotline that seeks to unfold throughout the course of life. At critical junctures, be it a great challenge, a devastating loss or radical change in life, the story of the soul tries to break through and become more conscious. For, the human soul needs an outer drama in order to reveal its inner myth.

Seen this way, indelible moments and key events continue to live and shape us from within. Yet, what marks us, for better or worse, can be deciphered, decoded and learned from. Each soul carries its own inner law or dharma and each has a calling to answer. Answering the call, following the threads of destiny allows the traumas, losses and betrayals to be revalued and even be redeemed.

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