Sunday, March 15 2015
4:00pm - 5:45pm


Lit Lounge returns...

The first installment of Lit Lounge was a smashing success - a full house, stories that were both moving and funny, and beautiful storytellers! People immediately started asking WHEN IS THE NEXT ONE??

And here it is! Sunday, March 15, 4pm. The theme will be announced soon... stay tuned! And read on below for more Lit Lounge information.

The brainchild of Islander Cara Briskman, Lit Lounge was inspired by similar events in other parts of the country and by programs like the Moth Radio Hour. Cara began working with Maria Glanz at Open Space to craft this new program for Vashon.

Islanders are invited to bring a 3 to 5 minute story about NEW - it could be a new car, a new job, new love, new child, new look on life, new pair of shoes, new haircut, new experience... whatever NEW means to you.

People who bring a story will drop their name in a hat at the door when they enter - and names will be drawn as the event unfolds. If your name is drawn, up you come to tell your story. Between 10 to 12 names will be drawn - and it's up to fate and the storytelling gods and goddesses to determine whose names those are.

This intimate afternoon of storytelling will have an unusual setting, one rarely used at Open Space. More Lit Lounge installments will unfold in the spring, summer and fall, with different themes for each one.

Stories are one of the most ancient ways of gathering, of making sense of life, of sharing oneself with others. Join us to share your own story, or simply to listen to others.

Lit Lounge launches on Sunday, March 15th. Doors open at 3:30pm, and the show begins at 4pm. Admission is $10, and tickets are on sale at Vashon Bookshop,, and at the door. As always, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. All ages are welcome, but the event is not intended for children. Stories may include mature language or themes.

Lit Lounge is supported in part by a grant from 4Culture.

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