Sunday, January 25 2015
4:00pm - 5:00pm


Variety Music Community
With a New Year comes a fresh new Sunday Social Hour - a chance to listen, laugh, ponder, visit and enjoy life on this island of ours.

As we all know, 'new' is an interesting concept - is anything ever really new, we wonder? So many of the things, stories, events, shows we enjoy hold elements we cherish. Sounds and songs and folks we have come to love in the past...

And yet, every single time a group of performers steps onto a stage, they are there, in that moment, with that audience, for the very first time.

Join us on January 25th, and you may reverberate with that, just a little bit...

Joining the one-and-only Rev will be:

Jeff Hoyt

Jon Whalen

Lyn McManus

David Godsey

Dianne Krouse

Loren Sinner

and most likely a few other beloved faces and voices - stay tuned for more details!

Tickets on sale soon at Vashon Bookshop and

Thanks to the fine folks at 4Culture for supporting Sunday Social Hour!

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