Wednesday, May 6 2015
3:15pm - 4:15pm

Weekly Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement at Hanna Barn

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Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 & 5:45-6:45
5-week Spring Session, April 8-May 6
Hanna Barn 7712 SW Pt Robinson Rd

In an Awareness Through Movement class, the instructor uses verbal cues to guide students through functional movement. By slowing down and sensing our movements more clearly, our breathing, and the movement of our attention we gain access to our nervous system’s potential to gather new information. When we open to the learning process we invite change. What one can gain from this process is individual: less pain, more balance, flexibility, strength, clearer vision, a rise from depression, a clear connection with your own creativity… What everyone can gain is a more unified and potent self.

Awareness Through Movement was developed for over 30 years by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an engineer, nuclear chemist, judo black-belt, and humanist. The Feldenkrais Method is practiced across the globe in two forms: Awareness Through Movement, a group class, and Functional Integration, an individual hands-on lesson.

Mary Margaret Moore approaches the Feldenkrais Method® with a background in dance, physical theater, and art history, and competitive athletics. Approaching the questions of life and work with improvisation, creative process, and somatic inquiry is what drew her to study the Feldenkrais Method, and later, to use it to heal from her own traumatic injury. Moore is a Seattle-based movement artist and an authorized teacher of Awareness Through Movement®, by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America, and also a teaching artist with Mark Morris Dance Group’s acclaimed program, Dance for Parkinson’s Disease®.

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