Saturday, June 30 2012

Raw Food Potluck/Social

Linda is offering her home for a monthly potluck on the easy-to-remember day of the ‘Last Saturday of the Month’.
The next potluck on June 30 will be a 2-part event; First, a potluck and Second, a business meeting to share thoughts and propose direction for future potlucks. Your input is VALUABLE!
The potluck is from 5-6 pm only, with social/business time from 6-7’ish or so. That way, folks can come for either event or both! RSVP’s are always appreciated. Carpooling is encouraged! For those of you attending the potluck at 5pm, please follow the guidelines below, in order to have a sufficient meal for all to share.
What to bring:
A prepared dish of raw, organic vegan ingredients (no animal products!).
Whole organic fruits, as well as salads are especially welcome!
Please provide a detailed list of the ingredients.
These events are about abundance! If eaten alone, one person’s potluck offering should fill themselves and at least 2-3 additional people.
If it’s your first time and you don’t know what to bring, but are interested in coming, just bring an organic salad (greens or fruit) with dressing on the side.
Please bring your own plates and silverware.
A time for reflection & evaluation:
During the social/business time, around 6pm, Linda and Weslie Rodgers would like to have a dialog with you about what’s working and what’s not working about these potlucks. What would you like to see more of? Less? Should we have a cooked vegan or vegitarian potluck? Would you like educational events or speakers? Which topics? Your ideas are IMPORTANT! Please join the conversation and help shape the future of this monthly potluck. See you there!

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